Thermal Imaging

Protect your premises with professional thermal imaging

Thermal imaging is used to detect and visualise heat emitted by electrical switchboards, cables or equipment. At Test and Tag Sydney Wide, we use thermal imaging technology to help you prevent an electrical fault from occurring at your premises.

We send highly skilled technicians to conduct thorough testing. Contact us to schedule a visit from an accredited thermal imaging technician.

What is thermal imaging for workplaces?

As the load on a device or the current within an electrical circuit increases, so does the heat produced.

Thermal imaging captures evidence of this heat, enabling our technicians to pinpoint areas that are either hotter than they should be, which may be putting your business and people’s lives at risk.

thermal imaging for workplaces
safe at work

Keep your team safe at work

Our technicians will visit your premises to take thermal images of electrical switchboards and other equipment. They conduct comprehensive thermal imaging using specialist equipment.

Think of this technology like a crystal ball for safety at your workplace and as an effective way to prevent serious incidents from occurring.

Thermal imaging: who we help

Test and Tag Sydney Wide offers thermal imaging services for various businesses, including:

  • Commercial kitchens and hospitality venues
  • Aged care facilities
  • Healthcare and education facilities
  • Construction sites
  • Production facilities
  • Factories and warehouses
  • Offices
  • Laboratories
thermal imaging who we help

Why would my workplace need a thermal imaging test?

Thermal imaging plays a critical role in ensuring electrical safety at any workplace.

Overloading, short circuits and loose or faulty wiring are common issues that can lead to fires and electrical failures. By identifying stressed or overheating areas within a switchboard through thermal imaging, repairs can be made early, preventing incidents and ensuring the continued safe operation of your electrical systems.

Everything looks fine to me, do I really need thermal image testing?

Switchboards and other equipment can become hot to touch without you noticing. Even an increase in temperature of a few degrees can put the system under pressure.

Thermal imaging is especially important for older electrical systems or equipment, which are more prone to wear and tear, making them susceptible to loose connections, overheating and failures.

How often should I book a thermal imaging test?

Regular thermal imaging inspections give you total peace of mind because it can pick up issues that aren’t noticeable from a visual inspection.

It is recommended that thermal imaging is conducted on all switchboards at least once every 12 months. However, in certain conditions, more frequent testing may be necessary. Check with your insurance company as it may require proof of thermal imaging to honour your policy.

Thermal imaging FAQs